Connections 3 (1997–1998)
All Intertwined
18 October 2019
History gets its right form, that of complex interconnection of persons/events/discoveries, where no state can ever be viewed isolated, only subject/source of an ever changing variety of influences. Creative and entertaining, offering a fresh view of the historical events as those of an living organism, the series still only seems the scratch the surface or this kind of view of history, for one senses an even profounder interdependence could be assumed.

Finding links between seemingly unrelated concepts is one of the goals of science, and we see history applies to this idea very well (why didn't anyone think of this earlier?) While Connections 3 gives history breadth and unity, what is left is providing the subject with depth, e.g. as to why a specific person strove and succeeded in a given subject and not in the other, i.e. his inner interconnections.

With the episodes lasting again almost one hour each, with recaps for easier following, Connections 3 is a worthwhile continuation to the series.

P. S. Be sure to check out "The Day the Universe Changed (1985)"
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