Bonehill Road (2017)
This was, um, boring...
19 October 2019
Well, I was suckered in by the movie cover of "Bonehill Road", because it definitely seemed interesting, and I've always enjoyed werewolves in movies since being a kid. So naturally I sat down to watch this 2017 movie.

Turned out that this is a low budget horror movie, but there is nothing wrong with that in itself. But when the movie is weighed down by a lack of proper storyline and interesting characters then it becomes a problem. And that is what happened in "Bonehill Road". The storyline was so boring and mundane that I gave up halfway through the movie, I just simply couldn't endure any more of the nonsense that was passing for a storyline and script.

And it didn't help that the characters were so flaccid that I didn't even care about what they were named, much less what motivated and drove them.

I will say that for a low budget horror movie, then the werewolves in the movie were actually nicely made. The costumes looked good, detailed and interesting despite the fact that it was so clearly just masks and suits, given the immovable faces parts.

I have zero interest in returning to finish the rest of "Bonehill Road", because it just utterly failed to captivate me or entertain me.

My rating of "Bonehill Road" is a mere three out of ten stars, based on the fact that this is a werewolf movie after all and because of the werewolves themselves looked rather interesting.

If you enjoy a proper werewolf movie, then I wouldn't suggest you waste your time, money or effort on "Bonehill Road". Some of us did so you don't have to.
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