A sleeper of a thriller
21 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being handled by a major Hollywood film distributor (Universal Pictures), this thriller bypassed a theatrical release and was instead released straight to DVD. Which is a real shame, because despite its low budget and lack of star power, it is quite well done for the most part, being much better than many big budget movies with famous actors. It may have got a little inspiration from "Die Hard", but it takes the idea of being pursued in an office movie in enough original directions so that its premise feels fresh enough. The no-name cast does very well, in part generating a sympathetic and believable protagonist and a villain who is creepy and deadly while not being unbelievably outlandish. The movie is very well directed, never once showing its low budget, and managing to generate a number of suspenseful and exciting sequences that at the same time you could believe could very well happen in real life. There isn't one boring bit at any time, even before the dire situation rears its ugly head. And at a running time of just 74 minutes, the movie certainly doesn't outstay its welcome.

One little quibble I had with the movie, however. I understand why the sprinkler system in the building was not working, but why didn't the hero just pull a fire alarm to alert the authorities as to what was happening in the building?
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