Review of Gun City

The Rebel: Gun City (1959)
Season 1, Episode 12
What were the writers thinking? This is Anti-Second Amendment nonsense!
23 October 2019
This episode of The Rebel is a boring attempt to spread anti-gun propaganda. What a shame that the writers and/or producers decided to inject their liberal, anti-Second Amendment beliefs into this otherwise great TV show.

Actor Otto Kruger, as character Ben Tully, is totally disappointing in this story. He spouts the usual drivel that "we are better off without guns", and preaches that "if everybody gives up their guns it will be a better world". (It is obvious that Mr. Kruger held these beliefs in real life; otherwise he would have rejected this pathetic role).

Instead of convincing viewers that Americans would be better off if they were unarmed and defenseless, this episode proves the adage "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". The helpless, unarmed townspeople in "Gun City" are afraid and wondering what to do, while some unknown outlaw is shooting up their town.

Besides the propaganda, the script for "Gun City" is predictable and unimaginative. Great character actors, including Thomas Browne Henry, are miscast and provided with lame dialogue. The episode is almost entirely void of action... which is very uncharacteristic of this television show.

I rated the entire TV series, "The Rebel", with 10 stars. But this episode doesn't deserve even 1 star. Don't waste your time watching it.
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