Azur Lane (2019– )
Azur Lane Pilot Episode Review and Breakdown by a WW2 naval history nerd.
27 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"The Truth is... war never changes. It's exactly the same no matter which era it happens upon."
  • USS Enterprise (CVN-65) "The Big E" Yorktown- class. (English Dub)
THIS REVIEW HAS SPOILERS< YOU ARE FORWARND! -Ratings- Voices= Japanese: 4.5/5 Like most anime, the Japanese voices will seem better because it was name and animated in Japan. English: 4/5 Most of the girls seems to have good voice actors, and they did fit their character. I am very happy with the choice for Enterprises voice. And The English studio went out of their way to try and have the actors do British accents for the British warships While they are not the greatest, they did try, and I get kudos for that.

Intro to the Pilot: I enjoyed the pilot intro very much. He was able to get a solid ground of understanding for those that have not played the game while staying entertaining to those of us that have.

Animation in General: While I was able to see where they had to cut back on the animation to make up for the CGI they used, it wasn't a big deal if you are not looking for it. They also stay true the games' character artworks, with no changes that I could see

Opening: Graphite/Diamond by May'n; The songs pace and animation went well together. After doing a lot of digging and getting rough translations, I would say the lyrics fit the game and get it a 4.5 out of 5. I feel the animators played it safe when making the open by not doing a refence to IJN Yamato, as her in game art work has not been release for the game at this time. As well as just the short glance of the famous Bismarck the end

Closing: Signpost of Light by Shikano; Like most Anime, they went with a low budget animation with a slow song. I got The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci vibe from it. Over all, very nice.

------ Yes and Nos=

Historically Correct?: Yes AND No, please read review for more info Fan Service?: Yes, but the game is the same way. Worth watching?: 3.5/5

Review: In an alternate timeline to our own, navel vessels are born into the world, not just with metal, but as breathing beings. Okay, so, the best way to explain is when the ship is made, they have a "soul" of sorts I would say that takes on a living, breathing from. So in a way, they have two bodies, their human-like body, and their ship body. When in need to fight, they call out to their other half, asking it to help. The metal body then breaks down and forms the girls battle gear, allowing her to fight. So now that that has been explain, onward I go. ***Around the time of World War 1(The Great War) Alien beings with spaceship style rigs enter the world called Sirens. I can say it is around this time in history because you see the Pre-dreadnought battleship, IJN Mikasa and the Armored/cruiser, IRN Aurora in battle. Whom were both entered service around 1905ish and where in the war. The anime goes on to explain the Sirens made the waters unusable but mankind, and the Eagle Union (United States), Royal Navy (England), Iron Bloods (Prussia/ German), and the Sakura Empire (Imperial Japan) made a pack and form a worldwide alliance to rid the seas of The Sirens and named it Azur Lane. They repelled them, but the Sirens are still around. ***HISTORY NOTE!: It is not explained if The Great War did happen or if it was halted to fight the Sirens. So at this time we can assume nothing about it, just that they had to agree and fight a common enemy. After the intro, the pilot moves on to us seeing the Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier, USS Enterprise, out in open waters, sailing to the base made for the Azur Lane alliance. She is greeted by the USS Vestal, whom is her person repair ship/maid of sorts, asking her to be safe. Enterprise is aware crap is about to hit the fan. Back at the Azur Lane base we see USS Cleveland and ***HMS Prince of Whales on their way to great the HMS Illustrious and the HMS Unicorn, whom just showed up. ***They go back the bases Academy, where Illustrious speaks of the HMS Hood and the others joining then soon. Wales is worried about what the Iron Bloods behavior, but Illustrious has more worries about the Sakura Empire are up too. We move on to Unicorn, looking for her plushie, that is alive. He ran off and she can't find him. ***HISTORY NOTE!: The HMS Hood was sunk on May 24th, 1941, I will explain why this is an error later! The HMS Javelin shows up and offers to help little Unicorn find him. While looking they meet the USS Laffey, being lazy (A running gag in the game). She offers to help as well. They look and around the base, and the BEST part of the whole Pilot is them walking by the USS San Diego and just plain out IGNORE HER. (In the game, the USS San Diego is a hyper, pop star, that sees herself has the best ship because she earned eighteen battle stars during WW2. The only other ship that earned more what the USS Enterprise) After looking for awhile the HMS Amazon shows up and tells them to check in the fields on the island. Up there though we see the IJN Ayanami, who we saw early walking by Wales and Cleveland. U-chan the plushie runs into her and the girls see and run up. Javelin tries to be nice, shake hands and ask her name, but after a paper style plane flies over; Ayanami uses this to get away. We come to find her reporting to the big bad Aircraft Carriers, IJN Akagi and her older sister, IJN Kaga, and we see Akagi holding a Siren Wisdom Cube (In the game, Wisdom Cubes these are used to summon the girls into your port), with this she calls on naval war ships that have the looks of the Sirens ships earlier in the intro. Back at dock Wales tells the girls to get ready for battle, they believe the Sirens are attacking. Cleveland rushes out and we see the first big deal for fans of the game! Cleveland calls out to her metal naval body to join her for battle! She goes into a speech about how they will take them down. And we did see most of them for a moment earlier, we see again the USS Spence, Thatcher, Aulick, Fletcher, Foote, and Charles Ausherne (All Fletcher-class destroyers); the HMS Cygnet, Crescent, and Comet(All C-class destroyers), the HMS Amazon(A-class destroyer, the USS Pensacola(Heavy Cruiser), USS Atlanta (Light Cruiser), and the HMS Norfolk(County-class Heavy Cruiser). Javelin and Laffey join in, but Kaga and Akagi show up standing on their metal bodies. They explain that two of the 'camps' (The Eagle Union and Royal Navy) only believe in using power made by humans for warfare. Whereas the other two camps (Iron Bloods and Sakura Empire) have started using the Sirens technology to wage war. While fighting, Unicorn shows up and plays her role as a Light Aircraft Carrier(From my knowledge she was used for support in real life). ***This gets Kaga going, who is hungry for war, summons a Kitsune style beast out of her metal body to hunt Unicorn. At the same time, Javelin and Laffey are attacked by torps from Ayanami. ***HISTORY NOTE!: The IJN Kaga was made in 1920, she was meant to be a Tosa-class dreadnought battleship. But was cancel because of the Washington Naval Treaty. Not wanting to waste her, she was around half way built, the Japanese remade her into a Aircraft Carrier. This is fans of the games thoughts on why she is so battle hungry. On another note, she sister Akagi, was meant to be an Amgai-class battlecruiser, but due to the same treaty, was made into a Carrier as well. When things get real bad, we are greeted by the USS Enterprise, the flagship of the Eagle Union. She puts Kagas battle best out of the battle and goes headstrong into the fight at Kaga. After taken a lot of damage, Akagi tells her sister it's time to stop. Wales and Illustrious show up to the fight, better late then never. Enterpriase and Akagi have share a few words, after which we meet the Aircraft Carrier, IJN Zuikaku, telling the Akagi and her sister it's time to move on, but also giving Enterprise and warning to stop now, as there is backup the Foxy trouble makers and they will fight if needed 'look'. Ayanami sails off, to join them. As she does we get what we knew what coming. Kaga and Akagi, saying they have joined the Iron Bloods and name themselves the Red Axis and declaring war on the Eagle Union and Royal Navy. After which Wales and Illustrious stand back, and speak of Enterprise. Illustrious makes the statement of her (i.e. Big E) strength but of how much pain she is holding inside, away from everyone else....

History and what happened here in the Pilot- So, I sat a watched both the Dubbed and Subbed 2 or 3 times each, I was so happy one of my favorite games was being made into an anime. The Pilot is basic the attack on Pearl Harbor that happened on December 7th, 1941. But after much thought, it made sense for the writers to not make is Pearl Harbor, but the Azur Lane base instead. I do not think many folks would be happy with a take on P.H. in a anime where the ships have take forms and talk. So the writers played it safe, even though the game does have you play during P.H. (For those that don't know, Kaga, Akagi, Zuikaku, and a few other IJN CVs where there to attack P.H, but to my own knowledge, I do not think Ayanami was there.) Another thing I think happen for the pilot is they didn't see reason to draw and voice the USS Arizona, Nevada, Mary, West Virginia, and the other Battleships for the pilot, which can be understandable. But at the dock in the beginning with Wales and Cleveland I am able to pick out some of the ships that where docked at P.H. during the attack, so I give them kudos for that. Now I did a history note on the HMS Hood because Illustrious says she was on her way. Well, if the Pilot is based off the attack on Pearl Harbor, then historically, the HMS Hood would be no more. She was attacked and sunk by the Kriegsmarine around five and a half months before. But she is a beloved ship, and I would love to see her in the future.Overall, while the writers couldn't or just didn't wanna be historically correct, they did a very good job, and if you can stand it,
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