Good to See Them Taking a Solid Side
31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Last season, Benson was written as having a couple of very disgusting anti-choice moments (most notable in the episode "Dearly Beloved"), that nearly put me off of SVU altogether (after being a fan for pretty much the entire 20 years).

This season, I have been eagerly anticipating a chance for them to redeem themselves on this topic, so this episode was a breath of fresh air. A show like SVU (regardless of age) can't keep its head above water if it refuses to reflect the reality it lives in. And the reality right now is, North America is overwhelmingly Pro-Choice, for many different reasons.

Unlike most people who seem to be leaving reviews for SVU, I actually love and *prefer* when the show deals with political and difficult topics. Mariska, as an activist, and a woman who is openly Pro-Choice herself - not to mention Dick Wolf himself, push the show to be in the Now as much as possible.

This episode was very good, especially the acting from Kelli and Peter. I was somewhat disappointed that they chose stories where an abortion seemed more 'palatable', but it was still good to see all the characters taking the same side. The slight variations in their reasoning (age gap, faith, etc.) was also a realistic take.

Don't listen to the conservative, anti-choice haters. This episode was great - I've seen more than enough to know.
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