Not what you think this will be about.
1 November 2019
Looking at the box cover you'll imediately come to the conclusion this is asylums take on "Midway" the the story of the battle of midway in the pacific during WW2. thinking they took their low budget studio and told their version of the story to capitalize on the "midway movie thats due to be in the theaters soon.

insted this is is about a SBD Dauntless crew that is shot down after their successful attack on the japanese warship the akagi and their fight to stay alive in the ocean over the course of several days. we are shown command orders and mission briefings from the u.s. attack group on the enterprise but thats about it. there is no major dog fighting between hellcats and the chiefs vs. zeros. your gonna have to wait to the film "midway" comes out for that or go watch the original from 1970

for the film itself its a period drama. straight up!! no frills! if you looking for an action war flick about midway.. THIS IS NOT IT!! the film making is on a very low budget and it shows. its obvious the actors are on a set someplace doing the best they can with what they got.
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