Review of See

See (2019–2022)
Well shot, good actors.
1 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad for a fantasy show. It's just... the world makes no sense. No sense at all. I actually liked the first episode, like the action sequences, the sets, the costumes... it looks really good. And then the show reminds you that they are all blind and have been for generations and you ask yourself, how did they build this, why do they wear clothes just like we do, why does it all look so much like things you know just with a rope for guidance... how do they gather food, hunt, weave clothes... why is there any decorative jewelry... why is sight viewed as dangerous... why why why

I don't mean to be nitpicky. The idea of a world of blind people is very intriguing and I was very interested what they would make of it. But the show would really have benefitted from some experts in culture, anthropology and history. The way they made the world makes me scratch my head too much to really enjoy it.

If you can ignore the holes in the worldbuilding, this isn't a bad show. Not at all.

But I can't ignore them, so this gets a 4/10.
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