The Flight Before Christmas (2015 TV Movie)
With a different lead would have been 10*
2 November 2019
A watchable Christmas film but the actress playing Steph is totally miscast. Loved the elderly gent who keeps popping up and getting the two leads together, and love the B&B owners. Loved the actor playing Michael, his girlfriend was likeable too. The two leads did seem a good match as they are not suited, she looks more like his mom! Her clothes, looks, overdone fake tan, negativity, over the top acting and silly facial expressions were very off putting.. She seemed to be trying very hard at an attempt to be funny and failed and was very annoying. With a different actress playing Steph it would've been so much better. Unfortunately her looks make what should be a predictable story with another actress, unbelievable with her. He would never be attracted to such a miserable, negative, odd looking, older woman.
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