One Foot in the Grave: The Dawn of Man (2000)
Season 6, Episode 5
Terrific with several poignant scenes.
2 November 2019
Patrick's brother is in town, and as anal as he is, much to Pippa's frustration.

This is a hilarious episode. I love the almost melodic start, life is peaceful, that is until Victor takes the law into his own hands.

Too many scenes to pick out a favourite, it's loaded with them, but there's a lovely scene where Mr Swainey gives Victor a hug, he's been the Neighbour from Hell, but that scene was lovely. I always thought Mr Sweeney was a bit of a psychopath. Soo funny how we've seen the evolution of Patrick into Victor.

That line, Neanderthal man did not die out, he went to work for Sky. Great play on words with popcorn, that scene is hilarious.

The penultimate episode is a joy. 9/10
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