Dementia 13 (2017)
This would have been better as a parody
2 November 2019
I was in the mood for a horror movie last night. Having seen virtually everything in the Netflix horror category, seeing this pop up in my Netflix feed was a welcome surprise. The first 20 minutes or so provided an interesting diversion. However things went downhill after that. When the twist appeared at about the 2/3 mark, the movie lost all credibility. By that point, I thought I simply must sit through the remaining half hour to see how this train wreck ends.

The actors, all of them unknown to me, did a fine enough job with the material they had to work with. That said, in the hands of a different director whose vision was to do a parody of a supernatural drama, this movie could have worked. Unfortunately, the director would have the viewer regard this as serious drama. It is not. Trust me. You can find better ways to pass 90 minutes of your time than watch Dementia 13.

What the hell does the title have to do with anything in the movie anyway?
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