Review of A.M.I.

A.M.I. (2019)
A once in a lifetime experience
3 November 2019
This is the kind of movie that reviews cannot do justice. To experience this movie is to taste the forbidden fruit from the garden of Eden itself. It is such an unmatchable experience that every second after it is finished can only be described as hell - in this case, it's because you'll never be able to see A.M.I. for the first time again.

I consulted numerous medical specialist about voluntary brain damage induced amnesia in the pursuit of that sensation of watching this magnum opus of the entire cinematography art form anew.

I would most recommend this film to people only after they have achieved all their supposed "peaks" in life: Their wedding, the start of their family, house, height of career. After this, these peaks will all look like mounds of dirt compared to the Mt. Everest that is A.M.I.

-1 star since it has ruined any future happiness or joy for me, because nothing could compare
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