Zomboat!: Episode #1.5 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
8 November 2019
I thought this episode was a little bit disappointing following the improvements that we've had in the show since its debut.

Following a drunken night, where it appears that Kat (Leah Brotherhead) and Sunny (Hamza Jeetooa) have kissed, though neither are 100% sure, another sisterly spat sees Jo (Cara Theobold) jump ship to take control of an abandoned boat that is drifting along the canal. The Canal boat then runs out of diesel and Jude (Callum Kerr) and his little Zombie hoard are still following intensely.

Despite being the penultimate episode, this one felt a little more like "filler" than some of the others have. It again broke the group up into their usual subteams and had them have little adventures away from each other, before coming back together at the end. We learned something more about the Zombies of the show, in that they appeal to be able to have individual motivation beyond just "eating". . as Jude was very focused on catching up with Jo - I'm assuming that this will feed into some sort of twist regarding the nature of the zombies in next week's finale. I'm also noticing that we've had a couple of different reasons provided for the origin of the outbreak now, which again might prove to be something.

Unfortunately, what this episode didn't bring was any laughs, and for a sitcom that's pretty much a critical failing. The CGI explosion at the end was poor and unconvincing too, and I didn't enjoy the older man who owned the diesel (the actor isn't named on IMDB as I write this review) there was nothing wrong with the performance, but the world isn't set up enough for us to find his wanting of money as ridiculous as it should be. The apocalypse also felt pretty small again this week, with little more than the canal being visible.

I shouldn't harangue the show too much for its budgetary constraints though, as it is an ITV2 sitcom. Just one more left to go, perhaps ever based on the buzz but we'll see.
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