I Love This!
11 November 2019
Despite the fact that we are living in a seemingly civilized and democratic world, the rich and the powerful still has their tyrannical ways to oppress people and even ruin their lives, just like in the old times. And these ways are protected by the law. Americans often speak of freedom, but ironically they lock up more people, their own, in jails than anywhere else in the world and that is not just by sheer numbers, but also per capita. These people are not all murderers, thieves, etc. People are locked up for even minor crimes or weed, which is legal in some countries and now, even some parts of the US. This is the result of privatized prisons and the racism against minorities. I'm glad John Oliver is using his influence to point to these issues. As you might have guessed, I am not an American, I live in Turkey and I used to desire to move to the US some day, that was until I started following American politics. I realized that the same reasons that made me wanna leave Turkey are also very much applicable to America, perhaps tenfold. The society and its motives are shaped by right wing propaganda which uses religion and the ignorance and bigotry of people as its primary weapon. As I have learnt more about America, I started to feel better about my own country(although not satisfied nor acquiesced to stay), at least I won't be left to die if I have a medical emergency until I can move to a better, secular(not just on paper) country with a more progressive society. Still, there is hope for America and it is the only hope I believe and that is Bernie Sanders. But of course, a term with Sanders will not magically fix the country permanently, if the people don't follow up with his ideas, if people don't wise up to what's going on. I'm gonna submit this review now, but I don't expect that it'll go through, because lately, IMDb has been blocking some of my reviews that are slightly political, which is not surprising, when you consider the fact that IMDb, i.e., Amazon belongs to Jeff Bezos and he doesn't like the idea of Sanders' presidency. Now, of course, I am not saying IMDb is cheery-picking reviews, but they definitely don't allow political reviews that might, they think, anger some of their readers, to which I say, then why are you listing political shows on your site in the first place? What am I supposed to talk about then, when writing a review about those shows? Talk about how the lighting is very good on, say, Bill Maher's show? Ridiculous...
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