Mr. Pickles: The Tree of Flesh (2019)
Season 4, Episode 1
19 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Last season this show started to find its feet. The 3rd season finale marked a tonal change in the show. It isnt serious but it definetly gained some depth with that episode (even if the writing was a bit cringy at times). This episode blew me away not only because of the drastically improved writing and story building but because it showcases how much potential this show actually has. The gross out humor and extreme violence is still present which is always enjoyable (although it is toned down a bit to make room for some plot) and the animation somehow seems a bit less abrasive. Not to mention it was really unpredictable, i was very pleased with that aspect. I have a feeling that this show is going to evolve into an original, semi-deep and highly enjoyable series. Keep an eye on this one.
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