The Rockford Files: The Four Pound Brick (1975)
Season 1, Episode 20
A bit convoluted but OK
22 November 2019
OK Rockford Files (TRF) episode but I will remember it best because I was distracted by Edith Atwater's performance. No disrespect. She was a fine, established stage actress, who also appeared in notable films.

But the Chicago-born, Pennsylvania-reared, and AADA trained-actress sounded at times like she was speaking with a poorly-obscured Appalachian twang, and, at other times, like a rock-ribbed New Englander (who could've been selling Pepperidge Farm cookies or living near Jessica Fletcher). She just didn't sound anything like the California character she was portraying.

I guess she couldn't decide how she wanted her character, a good woman, but a tough and no-nonsense one, to sound. She evidently didn't get much help from the director.
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