Summer of Rockets: Episode #1.5 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Episode 5
22 November 2019
Stephen Poliakoff is definitely playing with his audience now.

Samuel was injured in the shooting incident and Field was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Lord Wallington was right.

Samuel thinks it is better he gets away from the protection of the secret service. However he only ends up getting close to Kathleen Shaw, still looking for her son, Anthony.

Another look at her son's drawings leads to new clues. Man and nature, the relationship with the animal world. Anthony was saying something.

Samuel is no good at hiding. Lord Wallington finds him and Samuel sees a world of mad generals and bad ideas. Maybe Field was right all along.

Poliakoff directs with symmetry in certain scenes. In a way Samuel is not alone, there is chaos all around in people's lives and yet some answers are found. It is another way of Poliakoff toying with his audience with his signature themes. The use of pictures, music, even those scenes featuring the comedian. A more lyrical episode.
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