Load of Rubbish
24 November 2019
First off theres no real no information from David Wilcock. All he's done is recycle old information that can be found on his old youtube videos.

What you can expect from this film is: Exploding planets Elongated skulls Atlantis & Antarctica Secret Space Program Secret societies Ascension & Pole shifts Blue chickens

Secondly the production value of this film is amateur at best. Corey Goode & David Wilcock sound like they are in the bathroom. Terrible use of microphones. The editing is very poor and the voice meter and effects ruin any sort of immersive experience. Lots of head shot interview style shots backed up with lots of stock footage. Feels like a rush job to be honest. Not worth a £10 price tag. Would be happy to have a rent option as it's the type of film your only going to watch once.

Very disappointing
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