Review of Part 32

Bloodline: Part 32 (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9
One of the Best Single Episodes in Television History
25 November 2019
Slowly, weirdly, and relentlessly, John Rayburn is going nuts. Cracking up. Losing it. Moving back and forth in time, in dimension, in reality, he's no longer living the dream in the Florida Keys. He's living the creepy, terrifying nightmare. Reality is shifting, events aren't making sense, and those steady, reliable anchors known as time, place, personality and mood are no longer so reassuring. They've become a menace, and the strong, steady familiy guy, the cop, the pillar of the community is on the way to a complete breakdown.

Why? He's committed one of the worst possible crimes you can commit - all to save a family that's no longer worth saving. His bright and optimistic soul has grown black with guilt, with anger and with regret.

This is an unforgettable episode, by far the best in the entire series, and easily the most riveting depiction of creeping insanity you've ever seen. If you can't follow the plot - if the story is moving in strange directions - if nothing makes sense and you feel lost, disgusted, and more than a little creeped out, well then, my friend . . . you're getting it.
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