Review of Ravening

Ravening (2019)
Unusual Shakespearean man 'MEATS' women romance when they 'meat'!
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this was one of the most beautiful viewing experiences committed to the celluloid. A great film from director/writer Bhaskar Hazarika,this is an extraordinary piece of drama bathed in atmosphere, haunting score by Quan bay and from the opening scenes as the viewer sees straight away this isn't going to be an usual type of film.

"Aamis" uses a very disturbing metaphor that if people allowed themselves the chance to see and take the time to discuss, could be very influential long term, which demands further discussion and thought. My favourite scene will be the dream sequence in the 2nd half, the frame soaks in a Kafkaesque reality. A must watch for serious movie buffs, go see this with caution, also with an open mind.
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