Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
6 months later and I still can't get over this
25 November 2019
Man, every time I tell myself I'm over this show, something new about it pops out and I get sad, so I came back here to express how I felt a few months back when my favorite show crashed and burned into smithereens.

I gave this show the benefit of the doubt so many times. People started doubting this show starting Season 5. I still gave it a chance. People started turning on it worse in Season 7, but I still stood tall for this show. I DEFENDED it through despite it's lows like Dorne, Sansa & Ramsay, Stannis, and title episode "Beyond the Wall", the Winterfell plot in S7, Littlefinger and whatnot because I put enough faith in David Beinoff and Dan Weiss to end this show beautifully because we were given 6-7ish good years of television. Why can't we now?

Well, I got my answer in the worst way possible. I still can't believe the nosedive of the quality in the show. So much wrong for so many absurd reasons that it doesn't take any casual viewer with 2 brain cells to see what the hell is going on. I have never in my life seen so many characters ruined in just an hour and 30 minutes. It almost makes what M. Night Shalyman did with the Avatar The Last Airbender characters look good, and he BUTCHERED the characters from the original source. But my god, D&D...What the Hell were you thinking when you were writing this? That we'd enjoy it? That the fans would understand it made sense? I have made a few arguments in the past for some of the downtrodden plots/episodes of this show (Except Dorne and Sansa) but this season was a catastrophic failure and embarrassment to everything.

From everything that has been coming out lately, you have been given so many chances. So many opportunities to make this better. And what did you do? You ignored it for the sake of that Disney money, which means NOTHING since you left that behind as well. It doesn't matter if you don't care about this show anymore, MILLIONS of people including me have dedicated our Sundays in spring YEARLY to watch a new episode of this show that you were given the responsibility to take care of. You were quite literally handed the best cast ever, the most dedicated crew, MILLIONS of cash and endless resources to make this show great. To give people a debate whether Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, or Game of Thrones were the "Best Shows of all time." Matter of the fact is, we waited 8 long years to watch our investment pay off. To make sure our money was spent well. To make sure all of the endless conversations and research meant something to you. But it didn't.

You broke the hearts of millions of fans around the world with that awful writing, and I will never watch a single thing that your names are on. Don't take those 2 stars I gave this episode in stride, for they are for GRRM and the hardworking crew and actors.

The actors honestly had it the worst. Emilia, Conleth, Kit, Peter, Lena, Gwen and Nikolaj must've had it the worst. To have their beloved characters of 10 years of their lives be flushed down the toilet. To have their character sold out for cheap shock value. They deserved better.

As for GRRM, It must've been sad for him to watch two nit wits destroy his life's work. He deserves better.

WE the fans didn't deserve to have our money and time wasted by investing in this show. We deserve better.

D&D, I dont care how many awards you guys get after this. Take that silly and undeserved "Best Drama" Emmy and go home and know that you both will go down in history for destroying this cultural landmark of a show and turning it into a meme made for mocking as everyone hangs their heads in shame talking about it. You guys blew it. And to add more salt to the wound, you can't even give your cast and (FORMER) fanbase the decent respect to give them an ending worth the near decade worth of investment into this series OR a proper explanation. Shame on both of you. Truly, shame on you both.

(Edit/Update:) So it's May 2020, I'm currently in quarentine, and since I just binged all of the good shows I needed to catch up with and I currently have nothing better to watch, and I'm completely over my rage for GOT, I tried rewatching it for old times sake. My initial plan was to just stop at S6, but only 3 episodes into S1 and I HAD to quit. It's true, all it takes is one bad season to ruin an entire show. The entertainment value is shot. I'm watching and everytime the characters explain or tell a story about the lore of the universe all I can do is roll my eyes or yell at the TV and be reminded of how utterly useless everything that was established in the earlier seasons became in the final seasons. The legacy of this show is really ruined. Last year that was just my blind anger reviewing and speaking, now this is me talking from a calmer mindset than I was when the show ended. You can't even enjoy the GOOD seasons without being reminded of how useless everything became. There is no point to this show at all. This taint has carried over to the books for me as well because if the S8 ending is truly whats planned for the books, I don't want to waste my time. It's so sad now.

Oh well, I wanted to just update my feelings about this show as we approach the one year anniversary of its disappointing conclusion. Mother's day last year was rage enticing for a lot of GOT fans since we watched the character assasinations of every remaining character on this show. Next week Sunday is the anniversary of this show's final destruction. Might as well give insight as to what the show looks like from fresh and calmer eyes a year later. Guys, it's not worth the rewatch at all.

The best thing I can say about this show is that now, whenever you hate someone you can just recommend this show to them. Get them all invested to be disappointed by the time they spent binging and getting invested in the characters and stuff as a revenge tactic.

I still stand by original rant review a year ago. My rating will remain at 2 stars just for sympathetic feelings towards the cast and crew. In my head, it's a -5 for D&D.
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