I Love the 1990s: I Love 1998 (2001)
Season 1, Episode 9
I Love 1998
26 November 2019
Dana International presents a look back at 1998.

It was certainly her year, she caused controversy as a transexual diva, winner of the 1998 Eurovision song contest that was held in Britain. Her song Diva was a cheesy pop song. Her outfit was by Gaultier, after being announced as a winner, she came on stage with a brand new Gaultier outfit. That is what you call confidence.

Another singer making the headlines was George Michael. There had been rumours about his sexuality for some years. However getting arrested for lewd conduct in a Beverly Hills toilet made his coming out a bit more public than he would have liked. Still George had the last laugh, he was brazen about it on his video for his next single.

In the cinemas. British gangster flicks got a shot in the arm by going all authentic. Well as authentic as you can get with the director Guy Ritchie being a posh boy with private schooling and speaking in a mockney accent.

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels started a trend of lovable cockney gangsters. As opposed to real London gangsters who would would break your legs just for giving them a dirty look. That is assuming they are in a good mood. Ex footballer Vinnie Jones launched a Hollywood career out of this movie. Ex England high board diver Jason Statham went on to become an action movie star.

When it came to fashion, combat trousers were the answer for the person who needed 12 pockets in their pants. It raised a question. Did anyone go to war wearing a pair of Gap Khakis?

In television, bad taste came in the shape of South Park and its potty mouthed school kids. One of them, Kenny kept dying. It made The Simpsons look like as threatening as great aunt Edith eating salted chocolate balls. The rub being that the creators of South Park became celebrated with the alt right crowd.

There was no mention of the Good Friday Agreement that led to peace between sectarian parties in Northern Ireland.
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