Multi-award winning tale of dark humour
27 November 2019
I loved this film! In just 17 short minutes we are taken on an entire journey from the ridiculous to the sublime in a tale of poignant personal crisis shot through with dark humour and slapstick to a lighthearted happy ending. The honest portrayal of the protagonist, a professional clown who 'loses his gift' of making children laugh, strikes an immediacy and compassion in the viewer, while his devastating experiences of depression, relationship crisis, unemployment, violence, bullying, rejection, self - mastery and ultimate personal victory are treated with a lightness and endearing humour.

My attention was immediately captured by Jane Mowder's opening scene as Buttercup the wife, with echoes of Frances McDormand. Ralph Scott's unfortunate clown Flopsee has an appealing freshness and honesty while Freddie Connor's mafia-style boss as a ludicrously - placed clown agency director had me chuckling and reminded me of Connor's earlier feature film successes with gangland movies The Grind and Baseline, together with Todd Covert's darker portrayal of sadistic and violent clown Buffo.

Altogether a humorous, enjoyable and ultimately uplifting film well deserving of its Top Shorts Independent Films Award as Best Dark Comedy. Good to see FineLight Films excel again!
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