They Should've Called For Phillip Morris, Or Perhaps William Morris
28 November 2019
Paul and Steve Temple are back, even if this time they're John Bentley and Dinah Sheridan. They're helping Scotland Yard track down a blackmailer who signs his murders "Rex". This puzzles the Yard, since dead women rarely pay ransom.

I agree with their reasoning. The trail leads to Abraham Sofaer, who's a psychiatrist and hypnotist, his suspicious-seeming secretary Margaretta Scott, who comes to Bentley for help, then seems to almost get him and Miss Sheridan blown up. Then there's..... oh, everyone, to the extent that I was growing suspicious of Shaym Bahadur, who plays their valet, Rikki. He didn't look like that in the last movie!

The mystery aspect of this one is not as good as the last one. The red herrings get piled on in such confusion that when the bad guy was revealed, it seemed a random choice. Canterbury seems to be about three minutes by car from Scotland Yard. In addition, the movie-serial nature of this movie stuck out, including a couple of cornball cliffhangers that went out of style in the 1930s, and the sort of canned music that Universal kept in stock to be plugged in just before the the car went over the cliff and the gong sounded.

Sigh. Well, it's Maclean Rogers directing; I'm sure that if you gave him a good budget, a good script and some real talent, he could direct a heck of a good movie. I don't think anyone ever did. This was Nettlefold Studios with Butcher's Film Service distributing, so money was tight; besides, the character was established on the radio and in the first movie, so it was likely a matter of they didn't need it good, they needed it Tuesday. At least there's some nice second-unit shot of Canterbury and some pleasant night-time shooting by Geoffrey Faithfull.
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