The Mandalorian (2019– )
Thank god! the episodes last only 30 minutes
30 November 2019
Thank god! the episodes last only 30 minutes

My second review here. This serie really gives me a good laugh. While with S01E04 we get a glimpse of Kurosawas 7 samurai, this episode should have crushed any illusions left to where this show goes. It's not an outlier, it's the program! Simplistic one-dimensional episodes with practically no story, but fantastic graphics and settings. I begin to believe other writers saying that originally this serie was intended to be a computer game, where the single quests were commuted into episodes here.

As for Pedro Pascal. Can we be sure it's him? I mean, could be anybody just walking around and jump occasionally. I guess the wage is good, this must have been the easiest job in a while, as there is no need to act at all.

And as written earlier, the very single events of each episode are stretched over and over. Imagine what additional boredom would be created it the episodes lasted 45min or even 1 hour.

I remain amused about this serie and will follow just to see where it leads.
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