Quaint Quebec (1936)
This solicitation for remedial foreign aid is even more effective . . .
30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . than all of those ad buys on the part of children's hospitals you see around the holiday season, or the year-round pleas for Americans to cough up "only" $4.98 monthly to feed one of the Southern Hemisphere countries. QUAINT QUEBEC reveals that an autonomous region barely a stone's throw from the USA's Northern Border is stuck close to the Stone Age, speaking a "Seventeenth Century" version of French! This benighted conglomeration of old-time buildings lies within Medieval-style walls, constituting the only such throw-back in the Western Hemisphere, according to the QUAINT QUEBEC narrator. Though he implies that hook rugs stand out as this blighted burg's top money-maker, one gets the impression while watching this plea that the poverty purveying Quebec's plight is likely to be passed down from generation to misbegotten generation, no matter how many floor mats tourists buy. When the focus of QUAINT QUEBEC shifts to the ubiquitous dog carts tooling around that ghetto's forlorn lanes, a light bulb is likely to glow above astute viewers' heads. Why NOT handle this sorry situation from a SPCA perspective, and contribute funds to institute a parallel program to that organization's effective drives to spay and neuter pets? Surely if such a humanitarian initiative encompasses this disaster zone's population, it will alleviate the need for yet ANOTHER lost generation to suffer in QUAINT QUEBEC.
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