If you enjoy stupid, this is for you
1 December 2019
Plot in a nutshell: A clumsy loser working at a flower shop experiments with cross-pollination and creates a man-eating plant with a voracious appetite.

Why I rated it a '3': First, the good. The story is somewhat original and deserves a little credit. OK that's about it for the good.

The bad: the film operates at SUCH a silly level that you really have to enjoy 'stupid' to enjoy this film. Some examples...a customer of the florist's has a taste for flowers. That's right, he eats them. He is shown early on munching down on some carnations and he mentions that his wife 'is making gardenias for dinner.' Now, that's hilarious, right? "Dude look he's eating flowers!! OMG that's funny!!" You might have that reaction. Or, you might roll your eyes and think "Boy that's pretty dumb."

There is a detective in the film named Joe Fink and in a bit of voice-over narration, he introduces himself and ends with saying "I'm a Fink." If you didn't know, that's supposed to be funny, too. Note I wrote 'supposed to be,' because the truth is, it's not. It's pretty painful and the 'hits' like this just keep on coming for 80 minutes. I probably laughed two, maybe three times over the entire film. A recent reviewer here wrote "Some people might find it void of laughs" and boy was that on the money, but inexplicably that reviewer still gave the film a 7. Here's a newsflash: a comedy is supposed to be funny. If it's not funny, it's not a 7.

Jack Nicholson has a small role as a masochistic dental patient and I suppose it's noteworthy for the simple fact that Jack went on to much bigger and better things. But the part he plays here is just as cringe-worthy as the rest of the film. "Dude he likes pain! He wants to get his teeth pulled without novocain! What a wacky guy!!" Wow another amazingly 'funny' moment. Or not. Yes, cue the eye-rolling yet again.

3/10. This is not good. A painfully unfunny 'comedy' that I will never watch again. Those rating this a '10' (and there are several) are just embarrassing themselves.
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