Destroyed By Dumb Comedy
1 December 2019
I had high expectations for "Huo Yuan-Jia" due to the high rating here. I even had the luck to find an original Chinese language version so I was excited. The first portion of the film is very good, with the drama of the story unfolding, along with well-choreographed training sequences and intelligent, interesting dialogue between the central characters. An interesting story was unfolding. Sadly, before the halfway mark, the whole thing literally falls apart, eviscerated by some of the most ridiculous and embarrassing slapstick comedy. Out of nowhere came the guy with the rabbit teeth and painted on freckles and the circus sideshow began. Frustrating and so disappointing, as "Legend of A Fighter" had so much potential to be a great film of the genre. An opportunity to tell a great, serious story based on fact, was passed up for juvenile toilet humor. And it's not like I have no tolerance for humor in these movies; if it is done right it can be great fun. One example is "Mad Monkey Kung Fu," which is hysterical, mostly because the comedic elements were handled competently. But here it's just stupid. Another thing that sinks the production is it's lackluster sets and cinematography. Typically films of this genre are packed with eye popping colors and sets that are fascinating to look at at, but this one is very bland. Some good fight choreography is all this one has to offer, and it isn't enough to save it.
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