War of the Worlds (2019–2022)
Would've liked to have seen more of everything.
5 December 2019
I enjoyed the first half of this series a lot. Even though is shares next to nothing with the book (if anything its closer to Day of the Triffids) the characters were original and much of the set up didn't go with the normal tropes and characters you see in this kind of programme.

But about half way through the story seems to stall and the whole thing is just spinning its wheels and going nowhere. I felt we needed a bit more investigation as to the what and the whys (I was hoping for some tripods too!)

The end of the final episode was just nonsensical, I guess it is supposed to make us want to learn more, but we have seen so little and so much of it is without explanation you feel more that the writers aren't sure what is happening any more than the audience.

None the less I enjoyed this so much more than the recent BBC adaptation which was itself very far from the book. I wonder if we will ever see a faithful adaptation of the novel in the period and place where it is set.
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