Treadstone: The McKenna Erasure (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Bring on the cliches!
8 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show has ranged from good to great so far IMO... until this episode.

Oh my, the cliches. This episode pretty much had them all. Aside from the opening fight scene (which was actually really good), almost every scene was entirely predictable because almost every detail was an over-used cliche.

The cliches start with the obvious listening device that somehow goes unnoticed. Then we move to the "covert" agent that breaks cover and starts a fight for no good reason. Oh and remember, this agent is also recovering from a GSW that happened within the the last two seeks at longest, but probably within the last 3 days (timeline is a bit vague). No signs of any injury now! Then we break to the cliche "hacker guy" who has his whole team of hackers, who apparently are absolutely trustworthy enough to have a death-wish conversation in front of. Next up is all the tech wizardry that magically does whatever they need. Then of course, we have the ID hack "failing" until juuuuuust at the last second, when it suddenly works. Following this, we have the hacked cameras frozen on frame for more than a couple seconds, which the guards conveniently do nothing about. Then we have the infiltrator, aaaaaalmost getting caught, and getting out JUST in time. Now it's time to snap back to the previous "covert" agent (the one with the GSW), who is now making her escape after effortlessly taking down half a dozen trained, armed guards, and it's time for the no-tools modern car hotwire in less than 5 seconds!

And so it goes. I'm definitely not giving up on this show as I expect it to get back to form, but they really dropped the ball on this episode. They really need to get rid of whoever wrote this one.
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