This Is Us: The Waiting Room (2019)
Season 3, Episode 15
this episode
10 December 2019
Overall, the episode was good. What I have a problem with is so much drama coming from the family not being told anything about how Kate is doing. I have been a nurse for 30 years. I can not imagine telling a concerned, anxious, fearful family member, known family member, no HIPPA violations "the Doctor will talk to you when he can" and not give any information? not even vital signs or pain status? I don't know which was more unrealistic.. the nurses' apathy or the family's reluctance to demand more info. All these concerned family members and no one demanded to see the Nurse Manager? I know it was night shift, or Administrator on call?

Otherwise, the Miguel & Madison thing was sweet. the Kevin & Zoe thing still keeps us going, and seeing little Jack made me cry
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