One Foot in the Grave: Warm Champagne (1993)
Season 4, Episode 4
Holidays can't last forever.
14 December 2019
Victor and Margaret are back from holiday, he's moaning and grumbling as usual, to the extent that she's met someone on holiday, Ben.

As bonkers as every other episode in this series, Victor's feet, the pub sign, as well of course the street lamp in the bedroom, comedy gold. The best laugh for me being the old woman in the bed, and Margaret's reaction, hilarious.

The main question everyone asked during this show's run, was why on Earth did she stay with him, how did she put up with his constant moaning? We get those answers right here, he's pushed her into the arms of another man, but when all is said and done, it's the love she has for her husband that stops her going too far.

This is another shamelessly hilarious episode from this classic series, Renwick truly gave us some of his best work.

A joy. 9/10
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