A Christmas Melody (2015 TV Movie)
Carey is often good - kids are good, the rest of it is pedestrian and lacking spark
15 December 2019
Have no idea why someone hasn't written a comedy film script for Carey- she's a natural...although the chances of her actually turning up on set and working all day are probably slim :-) Carey is sassy and doesn't over act, unlike many trained Actors. I am guessing she is quite a laugh in real life, between shopping and tantrums that is. Kudos to the Film Editor, as quite obviously, Carey was NOT on set with the Actors for many of these scenes - she simply did reaction chat to an off-screen script reader. The shooting, lighting were fine. Script was pedestrian. The problem here is the pointlessness of the storyline and the non-Carey scenes. Youthful female lead Lacey Chabert tried hard, but had zero screen magnetism and her (creepily middle aged) heart-throb could have been replaced by some wrapping paper, or a gingerbread biscuit.
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