Well It iS An Ivan Reitman Production
16 December 2019
One of those cult films without much of a following, shot in 3D in the early 1980's and now, after having been formatted to 2D, things zoom at the screen for what seems like no reason, which... like JAWS 3D and FRIDAY THE 13TH 3D and some other gems from this era... is half the campy fun...

The sets, meanwhile, resemble a MAD MAX future combined with executive producer Ivan Reitman's nostalgically stylistic, homage-driven 1950's sci-fi b-flick (with a Harold Ramis intercom voice-cameo)...

Then again, since Reitman's not exactly broke, there are gorgeous STAR WARS style matte paintings and theatrical STAR TREK inspired ships, but it's not just the aesthetic that's old school and pulpy: the plot centers on a rogue bounty hunter, Peter Strauss as Wolff, sent to this not-so-desolate planet where three vixens have been kidnapped...

He's aided by local brat Molly Ringwald and Ernie Hudson: basically Lando to Strauss's Han Solo while Ringwald's both a reluctant sidekick and chagrined urchin. What's most fun is the searching around the canyon-ridged desert land, not sure of what's coming next...

It's that kind of "wandering around" movie... until we go underground where Michael Ironside, as a gigantic robot-altered mutant, hosts a do-or-die match where Strauss must save the girl...

But what should really draw in rabid exploitation fans is Andrea Marcovicci (who appeared with Ringwald in the TV-movie PACKIN' IT IN) as Chalmers, our hero's faithful, sexy fembot; and then there's young Molly that the now-grownup male audience can feel the pleasurable guilt while her skimpy clothes get even skimpier. Hell, if she was ready enough for Raul Julia...
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