A Cheerful Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
"He's from a different world"
21 December 2019
Tricky move. A Christmas prince movie with no hint of it in the title. The Christmas coach angle is a different take on it. But like most of the "prince" movies, the story makes it clear their worlds and lifestyles are too far apart, and then proceeds to ignore that fact.

I'm a ask-permission kind of person rather than ask-forgiveness, so Lauren rubs me the wrong way. She is juvenile in behavior and speaks and acts with not much of a filter which, yes, makes her annoying. I'm also not sure how well Erica Deutschman performed in the role, but that could have been my dislike for the character.

It's also hard to judge chemistry with a male lead intentionally so reserved, but they did seem have their connection grow as the movie went on.

Samantha Madely has the perfect look for her role as the almost-royal rival. She played it perfectly even if it was a cliche.

I loved the ending. Each of the lead characters orchestrated touching moments.

I'll add my vote to those who take exception to such blatant meanness in some of the reviews. Indeed, if you don't like it, turn the channel. You can tell something about reviewers by how many movies they've reviewed (click on the blue link showing the author name). Many of the worst ratings on this movie are by one-time reviewers. Top IMDb reviewers have a weighted rating of 6.1 vs the overall of 4.6 (as of this writing). That and an out of proportion number of 1 star ratings suggests possible ballot box stuffing.
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