The Vanishing (1988)
If The Truth Shall Kill Them, Let Them Die
25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very successful drama triller film with the main theme of missing, searching and loss. I was actually surprised that by using these simple methods, by handling daily situations it affected the human emotion so much. In fact, throughout the movie i thought that the film started simple, gone simple and it would end simple but i was wrong. When the movie kept itself at a level of simplicity, but after that is puts itself forward with simple plot twists and it made awareness. I think it is a good tactic. Simple ordinary dialogues, predicting who the kidnapper and bad guy is, anormal behaviours of bad guy... Watching all of these within the first hour of the movie can create discomfort on audience. However, the thing that makes it scary is the basic philosophy and the simplicity of the game which is planned by the Raymond the bad guy. For example, Raymond said that, "i jumped off a balcony when i was 13. Because it was written before that i should not jump. Could not i resist what was written before? so, i did". The bad guy here, convinced himself that he made a divine achievement by doing that and he is constantly praised by his family. This is the case that makes our antagonist that thinking himself something superior. One day after saving a girl baby in the river, he was declared a hero by his daughters and his response is: "You should not trust heroes. They are unpredictable". Obviously, our character wanted to see something in his own game. The main question of antagonist is: "How much people around me love me, if i do evil on the same level of heroic actions?" Because we can not know the light without the dark.Based on this fundamental duality philosophy, Raymond tried to kidnap the girl.

We can not appreciate good without evil, duality. Have you really considered all possibilities in the search of truth? The fear of the unknown and its motivation to find the truth... The adverse effect of being constantly convinced that you are good and successful...

We can easily understand that the guy's girlfriend was a complete idiot. It is a little corny but the philosophy of the film is really shocking. Woman disappeared 3 years ago. Kidnapper, constantly sending letters to her boyfriend to make this situation for him constantly fresh and kidnapper wonders where the man will go. What will be his (girl's boyfriend) actions? After so many details, kidnapper see that the man is really devoted and kidnapper made an offer:

" You can kill me Rex, if you want. But then, you don't know what happened to your girlfriend."

This sentence is the most valuable thing about the movie. A man who kidnapped girlfriend 3 years ago is saying that. A quest for truth. Fear of the unknown but not escape from it. Tendency towards it and seeking it. That is why he offers the kidnapper's offer and he is going to Paris with him. Kidnapper gives man a coffee with sleeping pill and tells him that if he do not drink that he will not tell what happened to his girlfirend. After that, he drinked that coffee and all audience is waiting for what's next? Rex (girl's boyfriend) awakes in a grave under the soil. He was put in grave. Rex uses his lighter, screams away to help but his lighter goes out of gas and there he is struggling to tear the place apart and he slowly dies with struggling and kidnapper by the way putting soil to grave by using shovel with cold blood.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a dream that symbolizes the ending and the way the film goes. The kidnapped female character sees herself in her dream that she is inside a golden egg. There are other eggs too but her egg and his boyfriend's egg reunited again in the void. Kidnapper saw the motivation of the man and he really wanted to see him. The thing that Kidnapper done was put her in grave which is egg. In other words, kidnapper's offer to boyfriend is: "If you want to see your girlfirend, then you should be in egg too."

Boyfriend, could easily kill kidnapper however if he would that, he would never know the situation of his girlfriend, what happened to her. Fear of the unknown is worse than that.

Do you think you'll ever see him again, Rex? Nope. So why don't you give up hope? It's an honor to me. The sacrifice of not giving up hope as a honor for the man really makes Rex's actions heroic and the offer of kidnapper creating misinterpretation that, maybe he is not a killer, he is really a good guy but the ending is tragicomic.

If you saw this movie like, "the killer is revelaed at the very beginning, He was looking a good guy to make plot twist but then he showed his true face, nothing more than that" than your time is wasted.

There is only one logical error in this movie that when kidnapper made the offer to Rex, Rex could easily take him to a rural place and torture him brutally, because, there is no question that a good torture can not lead to answer.

Another great thing is that, you know the guy kidnapped her and until the end of the movie you do not know that what happened to her this is a great mystery.

After watching the movie, you reconsider your search for the truth. You can face the worst way to die when searching the truth but this is not the point of the movie. The thing that kidnapper's achievement is manipulating the girl's boyfriend to search him for the truth for 3 years.

It reminded me of something about my own life. If you had a lot of power in your hands, do you wish you could have your best pleasures, your most pleasurable revenge, or do you wish you could find the truth?, i can not decide but a quote comes my mind and i want finish my review with that.

"If the truth shall kill them, let them die"

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