Review of Betrayal

Law & Order: Betrayal (2008)
Season 18, Episode 11
The Name "Betrayal" is Right On
27 December 2019
If the writers on this episode could present such an incredible plot turn like this each time they sat by their keyboards this show would still be running. Without a doubt the way this plot was set up, I would bet, had almost everyone sucked in to what was an apparent affair and a pitiful spouse. Oh man, when they hit me with the concluding fact I was actually startled and it hit me like a hammer blow. I love this series and still watch the reruns until I realize I been there before, know the plots, accused and until I can almost speak their lines. At that point I move on but of the ALL episodes I've ever watched this is the best written, cast and acted of all. Top of the top kudos to the staff, wherever they might be.
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