One Foot in the Grave: Rearranging the Dust (1995)
Season 5, Episode 4
Rare, Slight Slip in Standards
28 December 2019
If there is one single episode of this phenomenal comedy classic that isn't quite up to the usual level, it's 'Rearranging The Dust'. Now please don't get me wrong, by the standards of most comedies it is still very enjoyable, but by OFitG standards it's a bit below par.

Perhaps intended by David Renwick as a more experimental effort, this being the customary 'stuck in one place, set in real time' offering that every series bar the first had, there's more slapstick and odd sound effects than usual for this show, plus a few of the gags don't quite hit their usual mark.

But with that said, there are still a fair number of Victor moments to enjoy and as is also often the case with the self-contained episode, the relatively serious incite into the Meldrews' lives is a wonderful piece of bittersweet dialogue.

Watch it, but be warned that it's not what you might normally expect.
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