One of the most spiritually moving films I have ever seen!
1 January 2020
I bought The Gospel Road at a used DVD store today(Right now, it's 10:14pm on New Year's Eve), while shopping with a friend and I just finished watching it. In one sentence, I will say that this is one of the most spiritually moving films I have ever seen-I even teared up a little!

This movie is simply the Gospel-based life of Jesus Christ, narrated and co-written by the one and only Johnny Cash(He also co-produced it with his wife June Carter, who portrays Mary Magdalene in the movie.) With his voice and guitar, John retells the greatest of all stories-the teachings, life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus.

One great thing about this movie is that Cash quotes Scripture directly throughout, such as John 3:16 and John 14:6, and even Cash himself bows and recites The Lord's Prayer. Those familiar with The Bible will be able to recall many quotes and even verse citations.(Ex.: Oh, that's Matthew 7:7!)

The acting is also great for the most part. John The Baptist was a little flat, but overall you can tell the actors all had a passion for bringing this to life in it's unique style. But of course, the stand out performance is given by Johnny Cash.

The movie also clearly did not have a huge budget, but the story, songs, and message make up for it. Any minor flaw was and is overshadowed by the film's brilliance.

I want to describe how this moved me, but words would fail me to do so. The best I can do is to say that my heart was filled with joy from having seen it. As a devout Lutheran, I have heard these stories millions of times, but Cash managed to breath life into it in a way few films had done before or have since.

Also, this already made my top 10 favorite Bible-based movies, but writing this made me decide to raise the ranking higher!

My review may be a little short, but to summarize, I must say you should really see this moving and unique movie when you find the chance. I can't say enough great things about The Gospel Road. Even an atheist would praise the Lord after seeing this wonderful movie!

Note: This will be the last movie seen and review written in 2019. See you for more reviews in the coming year! :)
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