Thieves of the Wood (2018–2020)
10 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is overall quite solid. It seems to be a clear cut "Robin Hood'esque" tale, just with guns instead of bows. Most elements from "Robin Hood" is there, from "the damsel in distress" to "the evil priest" and "bad people in charge" in general, down to the actual "good guys in the woods". The story follows a very predictable path (this far), and i am hoping there is a twist in the latter half of the season.

I watched the first episode twice, first in its native language (which i dont understand), and then with English voice over. It didn't lose much, so i stuck with the voice over for the remaining episodes (done watching episode 5 as of writing this).

Perfectly serviceable show, but it didn't "jump out at me" in any aspect.
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