As the Joad Family was forced to bury kith and kin starvation victims . . .
12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . along their Hellish Road of Exile from what they'd claimed as their Birthright for generations in GRAPES OF WRATH, many viewers have pondered upon the whereabouts of the Filthy Rich Fat Cat One Per Centers who cooked up this plot to seize the land, jobs, homes, and very lives of We True Blue Normal Average Loyal Patriotic Progressive Working Stiff Americans. Wonder no more. Shot during the height of the USA's "Steal from the Poor, weigh down with even more unimaginable wealth the Rich" Great Depression, ROCKY MOUNTAIN GRANDEUR devilishly endeavors to rub the noses of the dying Joads into the idle enjoyments of their brazenly callous usurpers. "These 'dudes' are recreating the Old West, when Life was NOT a holiday," chortles the bloviating buffoon describing the well-heeled monied dudes and their wenches playfully cavorting at a Grand Teton swimming hole. Living "Life as a Holiday" was made possible ONLY by filching the bread crumbs from the mouths of the beleaguered Joads. Viewing ROCKY MOUNTAIN GRANDEUR is akin to participating in a wienie roast hosted by the block club adjoining der Fuhrer's Death Camp ovens!
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