Revealed: JFK's Women: The Scandals (2006)
Season 5, Episode 5
Revealing Inside Look
20 January 2020
Coming off the conformist, highly respectable years of the Eisenhower era, presidents were expected to lead model personal lives. Having lived through those years, I think that impression generally characterized middle America of the time. Thanks to this documentary, however, interested parties like myself now know how misled we were by a main-stream media that maintained the cover-up regarding President Kennedy's extra-marital promiscuity. Now, such promiscuity may not be a a major moral or legal transgression, but when it involves women with suspect foreign or Mafia connections, it can constitute a major security risk. Unfortunately, as the documentary shows by name, the list of suspect presidential encounters is a long one.

And that's where the film is so revealing. Apparently Pres. Kennedy was either oblivious or uncaring about who his women were, or, as one commentator puts it: For Kennedy, politics is one thing, sex is another. But keep in mind, Kennedy's presidency was at the height of the Cold War when careless bedroom words from a president could have a devastating fall-out. Then too, as also shown, the Mafia is implicated in infiltrating Kennedy's haphazard liaisons, presenting another avenue of headache for watchdogs like Bobby Kennedy and the FBI's Hoover. Though highly skilled in so many respects, the handsome Kennedy remains utterly blameworthy in such key security regards. Moreover, these should be included in an overall evaluation of his presidency despite their usual omission.

All in all, such aspects raise important questions about what goes on behind government scenes that are still relevant. So if you've got an interest in what often goes withheld from us, catch this revealing documentary.
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