Temptingly Terrific
21 January 2020
Review of both parts:

This story would be a great addition to any series of Doctor Who. It has a clever, thought provoking plot, danger and excitement, great moving performances and a strong time travel idea of changing your own past.

Sarah Jane is given a temptation of being able to change the death of her parents when she was a baby but clearly this has huge risks of changing timelines and the involves the return of a former foe of Sarah and her teenage companions.

This has thoughtful exploration of someone's obvious desire to change a tragedy in their life, the emotion of seeing your lost loved ones, the clever use of time travel to create an interesting, exciting plot and a menacing villain. It is one of the best stories of The Sarah Jane Adventures but is easily good enough to stand proudly alongside great Doctor Who stories too.

The cast are brilliant and I must mention how impressive the young main cast members are in this and most other episodes. Elisabeth Sladen is a class act and her acting is flawless. The dialogue here is strong and the plot is thrilling and moving. A brilliant story all round.

My ratings: Part 1 - 9.5/10, Part 2 - 9/10. Overall - 9.25/10.
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