24 January 2020
I rarely write reviews but felt compelled for a variety of reasons. First, the premise is excellent but so much potential was wasted. This show could have offered the viewer a semi-original experience but instead chose to roll stereotypical and predictable into a boring agony. Casting was the first mistake. Fred Allen and Viv Allen were played by actors too unbelievable for their roles. The actor portraying Fred Allen presented as weak and goofy with zero identifiable characteristics of a "monster hunter", while the actress playing Viv Allen so overplayed an unhappy teenager, you want her whiny, ridiculous self to be taken out by the nearest Presidio team. Second, for two teenagers who discover the secrets that they do, both Viv and Geoff's reactions are utterly difficult to stomach. As a frequent and dedicated follower of many fantastical shows, suspension of reality is expected and often desired, however these two teenagers react to all of the going-ons as if they were watching paint dry. They portray teenagers as selfish, whiny, foolish, ungrateful, and in general incredibly stupid. By the fifth episode, it was near impossible to find anything likable about either of them. Lastly, the writing. Occasionally, there was some humorous banter, but the overwhelming majority of the dialogue was contrived and lacked the ability to further the story or character development. Tedious. Disappointing. I'm more disappointed in myself for continually looking forward to these new releases by Netflix to only be let down by their simplistic attempts that undervalue my viewer loyalty.
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