Somewhat Aesthetically Pleasing, Characters are Bland, Predictable, Cookie-Cutter
26 January 2020
Do you like beautiful art? Do you like interesting world building? Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts creates an interesting post-apocalyptic world that it immediately dumps the viewer into without warning. You are made to feel as confused as Kipo at the beginning when she slides out of a pipe into a post-apocalyptic world filled with fantastical beasts and beautiful scenary.

But then, Kipo opens her mouth. And, it never closes. It goes on and on and on. And then she meets a friend named Wolf. Wolf HATES Kipo. Or does she? Kipo is about to die. But then Wolf saves her. Kipo says something dumb. Wolf says, "I'm not going to save you." Wolf saves Kipo. Wolf's only going to help Kipo a little, she swears. Oh wait, she's going to do everything for Kipo. Wolf is the predictable character that hates everything and always predictably comes to Kipo's rescue. And then there's Benson and his bug buddy. They're the comic relief. They're buds, but they also steal. But they're so likeable! They're so likeable, you won't even remember that you didn't laugh at anything they ever did. And did we even mention the villains? They're frogs in suits. That's great? There's also a pig.

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts has a well thought out world that is filled with bland, uninspired characters and villains. Every character is so trite and predictable that it completely ruins any interest in the story as it is apparent where it is going. The humor is low quality and I cannot recall laughing a single time. Compare this to a show like Adventure Time or Gravity Falls, which are gold standards of what modern cartoons can be: In those, the humor is on-point, the characters are interesting and distinct, and the plots riveting and unpredictable (at least, when invoked in Adventure Time).

Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts doesn't have that. The whole thing feels like a cacophony of influences ripped from popular shows in an attempt to gain some of their success, such as Avatar: The Last Air Bender and Spiderman: Enter the Multiverse. Except, where those shows were interesting and original, Kipo just feels like a trite, unnatural, and empty imitation. It has all the feeling, but none of the substance.

Also, the frame rate is noticeably low. For all the beauty in the world, it's animated choppily.
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