Review of Underwater

Underwater (2020)
A cliche' filled horror movie
26 January 2020
Underwater, was a film I found particularly frustrating as it seems to build a nice atmosphere and do some interesting things in its opening scene, it builds a solid foundation for our protagonist played by Kristen Stewart and gives us an interesting world. The best part of this film is most definitely her performance which is very good and multi layered.

However there are so many things that make this movie such a disappointment, I found most of the supporting cast particularly frustrating, especially TJ millers character who can't help but crack jokes every single line he has, even in scenes that are supposed to be emotional for all the characters involved. The film thinks its being scary but all its doing is giving you cheap jump scares through its music. Seriously every time the camera hovered over the monsters it gives us the typical jump scare music. The writing in the film is also really bad which may be a reason why most of the characters are unlikeable. This also is one of the most cliched predictable movies ever, I pretty much knew what was going to happen to every character as soon as they were introduced and it went down exactly how I thought it would. Also I noticed a lot of shaky cam and shoddy editing in scenes where the characters were being chased or attacked.

Overall Underwater was a film where if the director decided to go in a different direction, highlighting the claustrophobia of being trapped deep underwater and utilising Kristen Stewart's great performance into something more involved with this concept, Underwater could have been truly great, however we are left with a typical horror movie that you have seen in many different forms over the years with one good performance and that is from Kristen Stewart.
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