Not Bad, But Nothing Special
31 January 2020
1978's The Great Train Robbery was written and directed by author Michael Crichton. The author of Jurassic Park. He does a competent job but it's nothing special. The movie is nearly two hours long and despite it being about a train heist it fails in the tension or thrill categories. This isn't to say that it's bad. The acting by our main trio is pretty good, the cinematography helps squeeze out what little suspense this film has and Jerry Goldsmiths music is excellent. The costumes and art direction is also quite nice.

Where this movie really fails is in its story and characters. The story just moves with little resistance. No real drama to keep us invested. There are random side plots that rarely have a conclusion and certain characters seem worthless. Was Clean Willy really necessary? The characters get the worse of it. Crichton, despite being a well known writer, forgot to develop his characters. What are the characters backgrounds? What will they do with the gold? Why is the girlfriend even still with him if he pimps her out constantly? These characters are blank sheets. I'm not saying we needed their entire life story, but some motivation and some background would have helped me care about them more. Donald Sutherland is a great actor, but he sounds about as proper British as Sean Connery.

Needless to say, this film is just alright. The positives made it more watchable for its near two hour length but I couldn't shake the bit of boredom I had watching this film. Crichton directed Westworld, a much better, thought provoking and exciting film. If your curious what the guy was like as a director, watch that film instead. I can neither recommend or condemn The Great Train Robbery. It's just so... ok. Watch it if you like the actors and setting I guess, but it's really not much.
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