Star Trek: Picard: Maps and Legends (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
Too much
31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode is one to not totally dread. With a promising start, this episode degeneragetes to something Not unique, but just like all the other tv shows out there. The long scene of Dahj murder investigation Full of techno Babel did not contribute to the story. The romulans Zhat Vash being blamed as the culperates because of a mention in a strory when her mother was drunk, very poor how they made this connection-plus plus the need to include swearing to be seen as a "Cool and modern" show just removed credibility from the story, showing it's just like all other TV shows by following a trend, not creating a trend. I hope the story will remain central and the characters strong, some cool new characters and intriguing plot with romulans in Star fleet at the highest level. Narak seems a little weak- in character as a Romulan double agent, wearing his heart on his sleeve. Reminding me of Finn in Star Wars- someone with a promising start but little came from him.
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