1 February 2020
Why in the hell is this disgusting vile human being telling his side of the story in a damned playground? I had to stop the movie I was so angry. The monster is standing there talking about how attracted he is to children in their bathing suits, underwear or his favorite, wearing nothing at all. And they have kids running around him! You see a little boy run right past him while he's speaking this trash! They bleeped out the little boy's face but still! You can also hear children's voices as well. What was the purpose of this!? This made me so angry! I noticed another person commented on this as well. Also I noticed they are not letting the victims speak as much as they are letting this monster speak. I will not finish this. The one star is for the victims and their families that did speak, that could not have been easy to sit there in front of cameras and live this pain all over again. I commend them, again the documentary should have been focused more on them and not the monster.
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