Review of Powder Keg

Murder, She Wrote: Powder Keg (1986)
Season 2, Episode 15
Watchable, if jarring at times
3 February 2020
MSW episodes usually had some elements that the audience came to expect: distinguished guest stars of past times (check, here we have Craig Stevens and Stuart Whitman); varied settings (check--a small Southern town); a romantic subplot involving attractive young people (check); humorous, witty byplay between Jessica and one or more characters (none of that here!); a funny, eccentric character (no), and--quite often--a high-end type atmosphere, and one or more wealthy characters--a big mansion, New York penthouse, business empire, etc. We get a little of that: Craig Stevens is evidently important and drives a Rolls Royce. But the little town comes across as nasty and full of mean, violent people. That gives the story a grim tone. Also, there is nothing lighthearted at any point here. The complete absence of any humor makes the story feel long, to me; I wanted it to be over and get the heck out of that awful town! So, not a typical MSW episode that I think fans like. Still worth watching, just not as fun as usual. Some good guest casting with Whitman and Stevens, rarely seen at this period.
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